The Drone Racing League, or the DRL, is a venture set into motion by its CEO Nick Horbaczewski. While the International Drone Racing League (IDRA) markets their own style of drone race, something akin to NASCAR, Horbazcewski has a different view on how to make drone racing a serious sport.
The DRL is a web series of some of the best pilots using preset, custom-built drones to sprint around different arenas as fast as they can without crashing. Two of the seven total planned events have come to pass, both having been huge successes online.
Through the use of different cinematography effects, interesting lighting choices, and alluring locations, the DRL crew can edit together a series of videos for each race that keeps the viewer entertained albeit a lack of knowledge of drone racing. Each event is meticulously planned to create interesting content for the viewer.
The preseason race designed to test the waters of the DRL was titled the “Gates of Hell”, and took place in an abandoned warehouse in Yonkers, New York. The second race (ironically, “level 1”) was titled the Miami Lights, and transpired at the Miami Dolphin’s Sunlife Stadium in, you guessed it, Miami Florida.
With the success online that the DRL has garnered, the next five currently unannounced races are likely to be a huge hit with the online community.
More information about the past and upcoming races can be found here.